The hope is that interest rates will follow.
As a company, the one thing that omnigo and our partner, dojo, aim to do is remove some of the pain points for our customers and to understand their needs as best we can. It’s becoming increasingly important in the current climate.
One thing I am seeing across our client-base is the nervousness about the forthcoming Budget. So much has been trailed and so many ‘negative’ noises have been echoed in the media that you can’t blame businesses for looking ahead with some anxiety.
In many ways, the thought of what’s coming in the Budget is probably worse than any measures that are brought in. Once our clients know what they are dealing with, they can plan accordingly.
And omnigo is very much here to support our customers – whether that’s real-time information on their takings or intelligence on their own clientele – allowing businesses to make informed decisions rather than sticking their finger in the air and hoping for a sign.
On top of that, our business finance option is proving to be very popular and we’ve seen a 171 per cent increase in the last three months in businesses taking up this service, which is available to clients who utilise our technology. In many instances our customers are pre-approved and new customers can be approved and funded within 48 hours. Dojo, of which we are a partner, hit over £1 billion in funding and highlights the crucial we play in supporting businesses to stay on track and grow.
For example, one of our restaurant clients is utilising the finance we offer to open a new venue as part of its growth strategy.
So, there are certainly plenty of positives out there and hopefully we can build on those once we’ve got past the longest-trailed Budget I can ever remember!