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Where's the employment land?

The head of Warwickshire’s leading business property agency has criticised the Chancellor’s Statement for failing to make any mention of employment land.

Tom Bromwich, managing partner at Bromwich Hardy in Coventry, said: “Once again we heard pledges to build 1.3 million homes in this Parliament, the promise to create 60,000 new construction workers and to support the builders, not the blockers.

Where's the employment land?

“But where are the people in these new homes going to work? Not all can, or want, to work from home.

“We need to increase the supply of employment land across Warwickshire, otherwise how are our successful businesses going to find the space to expand within the county?

“And how are we to attract inward investment without the land for investors to develop?

“Bromwich Hardy echoes our recent call for urgent changes to unblock the UK’s development approval system and in order to help developers build, we need to streamline the conveyancing system so that we can get shovels in the ground quicker.

“I couldn’t hear any policies that addressed these issues.”

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