Company Credit Checks
Using a company called Creditsafe, we can provide members with an unlimited amount of credit reports on Limited companies within the UK. This valuable company information and business intelligence can be used to assess risk, financial strength and possibility of default.
Credit reports contain the following comprehensive information (where available):
- Business identity
- Company status
- Credit Score rating
- Suggested Credit Limit
- Key financials
- Adverse actions
- Companies House
- Group Structure
- Directors
Credit scores are rated from 1 - 100 as follows:
- 71 - 100 Very Low Risk
- 51 - 70 Low Risk
- 30 - 50 Moderate Risk
- 21 - 29 High Risk
- 1 - 20 Very High Risk
View an example of a credit report here
Credit reports are available as a FREE service to for Chamber members. Please login to request your credit report via your Members Profile Page. Not logged in before? Simply enter your email here and a password will be emailed to you. **Please note, only main contacts of member companies can access the Member Profile Page. Please contact the membership team on 02476 654321 if you experience any difficulties.
Not a member? Get in touch with our Membership Team to discuss how we can help your business or join today.