The occasion is part of a series of events called The Grand Antiques Tour, organised by Inspired Villages, the company behind Great Alne Park. The tour will also continue across other Inspired Villages communities throughout March.
Many of us are the owners of intriguing antiques and curious hand-me-downs or have collected quirky finds over the years. Residents of Great Alne Park and the surrounding area are invited to attend the event for an appointment with Christina or Tim for a free valuation to see if they own a secret fortune.
Doors will be open from 9am and Christina and Tim will kick off the event at 10am with a talk about their experience of working with antiques and filming the BBC’s popular antiques programmes and giving some behind-the-scenes insights.
There will be two sessions of valuations, with a morning slot beginning at 10am and a second in the afternoon at 12pm. Valuations will be limited to one item per person.
Guests are invited to enjoy complimentary refreshments and to take the opportunity to socialise with other guests and residents, whilst sharing stories of the items they bring along. Guests will also be offered the opportunity to receive a tour of the village and its show homes.
Great Alne Park, situated just a few miles from Alcester, is home to 166 attractive later living cottages and apartments, set within 78 acres of stunning park land.
Great Alne Park boasts a range of impressive facilities, which include; a swimming pool and wellness centre, as well as a superb range of country club style facilities that provide plenty of opportunities for maintaining an active lifestyle, socialising and relaxing. The site also boasts an impressive games room, library and even a lavish, art-deco themed, in-house cinema.
To find out more about Great Alne Park, please call 01789 489 103 or visit:
For more information on The Grand Antiques tour, please visit: