Post your Vacancies
If you are looking to grow your business through increasing your workforce then we can help promote your vacancies via our Careers Zone page within our website. All vacancies will be posted on our website for a period of 1 month, unless a shorter application date has been specified.
Business Connect Members will have the opportunity to post 1 vacancy for free throughout their membership period. Any additional vacancies following this would be at a cost of £75 + VAT.
Business Engage Members may post up to 5 free vacancies during their membership period and any additional vacancies following this will be charged at £75 + VAT.
Business Influence Partners may post an unlimited amount of vacancies as part of their higher level membership.
To post a vacancy, login to your Members Profile Page. Not logged in before? Simply enter your email here and a password will be emailed to you.
**Please note, only main contacts of member companies can access the Member Profile Page. Please contact the membership team on 02476 654321 if you experience any difficulties.
This is a member only service. Not a member? Get in touch with our Membership Team or Join Today