Core Membership Services
Healthcare For Your Business
Take care of your staff by using our exclusive healthcare benefits, provided by British Chamber of Commerce approved suppliers. Members can access contact details for each of these services by logging into their Company Profile Page.
Health at Hand Advice Line
A free 24/7 health information service available to you and all your employees. Staffed by nurses, midwives, pharmacists and counsellors, 365 days a year.
Business Healthcare Cover
Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber are pleased to introduce AXA Health to provide business healthcare cover.
At AXA Health, we know that your people are your greatest asset. Offering healthcare cover shows your employees that you really value what they do for you. That you’re ready to invest in their health and wellbeing – and in getting them back on their feet again if they become unwell.
Chamber Primary Health Plan
The Chamber Health Plan is an exclusive Chamber member benefit brought to you by award winning health provider, Westfield Health.