Putting employers at the heart of the skills agenda for Coventry & Warwickshire
STAGE 2 Local Skills Improvement Plan Progress Report for West Midlands and Warwickshire - June 2024
Click >>HERE<< to view our latest press release
Click >>HERE<< to download the Stage 2 LSIP Progress Report for West Midlands and Warwickshire - June 2024
This progress report has been prepared in accordance with Local Skills Improvement Plans: Stage 2 Guidance (dated November 2023) and is intended to review progress against the local skills improvement plan published in August 2023. This report was produced in June 2024 but publication was delayed due to the pre-election period.
STAGE 1 Local Skills Improvement Plan Report for West Midlands and Warwickshire - August 2023
Click >>HERE<< to view our latest press release
Click >>HERE<< to download the full West Midlands and Warwickshire Local Skills Improvement Plan Report - May 2023
You can also view Annex A & Annex B by clicking these links
About the Local Skills Improvement Plans
The West Midlands LSIP will explore the skills shortages that you face as an employer. As part of this process, we are looking for business feedback on topics including:
• The challenges and opportunities associated with recruiting/upskilling employees in your sector.
• Understanding the current and future skills needs of businesses in your sector across the areas of low
carbon, clean growth, net zero and digital
• The additional support you would like to see from local and national stakeholders to drive the development of the skills provision in your area.
As part of the research process, Chambers across the region are reaching out to local employers via a series of engagement activities in the area, which include:
A roadshow of sector specific focus groups
1-1 Meaningful Engagement discussions which will capture employer views, frustrations, and experiences on skills on a wider scale.
A series of in-depth, 1-2-1 telephone interviews to confidentially capture individual experiences from employers of every size, sector, and location. These will be set by appointment, so please contact your local Chamber of Commerce if you would like to take part in the interview rounds.
- Round table discussions for providers and employers
- LSIP priorities event - Click here to view our post event press release
West Midlands and Warwickshire Local Skills Improvement Plan: Draft Priorities -Click here to view the draft priorities.
Come and Join the Discussion!
As part of the research process, Chambers across the region are reaching out to local employers to get their feedback. Get in touch with Adele Dodds today and see how your business can get involved today [email protected] or 024 76 654321.
The Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) is an initiative funded by the Department for Education. LSIPs are a key part of achieving the aim set out initially in the Skills for Jobs whitepaper, which looked to put employers more firmly at the heart of the skills system. The goal is to ensure businesses and people have the skills they need to thrive and progress.
In September 2022, Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Black Country Chambers of Commerce and the Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce partnered to secure the delivery of the West Midlands Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP).
The West Midlands LSIP will provide an agreed set of priorities that employers, providers and stakeholders in the region can get behind to drive change. The purpose of the West Midlands LSIP is to place employers at the heart of local skills systems, facilitate direct and dynamic working arrangements between employers and providers and ultimately shape the future of skills provision across the region for years to come.
No, there is no cost associated with participating in any research activities for the West Midlands LSIP
(L-R): Rajpal Kaur, LSIP Project Manager, Gurprit Singh, LSIP Engagement Manager, Adele Wheatley, LSIP Coordinator
Click here to view the LSIP conflict of Interest Policy
Click here to view the register of interests.