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Don't go it alone - we can support you

We know first-hand how challenging starting up a business can be. Feeling on your own, uncertain of what to do first, with no plan in place it can feel overwhelming.

We also know how rewarding it can be when you get it right from the outset, which is why we offer a range of free fully funded* business support to help get your new venture up and running.

Here at Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber Of Commerce, as part of the Start-Up Programme, we offer a blend of FREE workshops and 1:1 business coaching and mentoring to accelerate your business growth for new business in Coventry and Warwickshire. 

Whatever type of business you hope to establish, there are certain critical elements that our Start-Up Programme can help you with:

What’s included in the business support?
  • 1:1 Business Coaching - We have a team of skilled and experienced business coaches to guide you in growing your business.
  • Workshops - Covering business planning, financial planning, marketing and social media so you have business fundamentals in place. Designed to help you learn new skills, tips and tricks to take action.
Don't go it alone - get in touch today

Our experienced team will guide you step by step on all aspects of business growth. So If you need a sounding board for your ideas; have practical or technical questions, need to up-skill your knowledge, or maybe you want more people to know about your business.

We’re here to help you to maximise your potential and increase your chances of success.

Take advantage of the FREE fully funded* business support. If you are based in Coventry or Warwickshire, you may be eligible.

What are my next steps? 

Please select if you are: 


Warwickshire Businesses

If you are a Warwickshire-based business that has been registered for less than 2 years, read more about the  Start-Up Warwickshire free-funded business support programme here: 

Coventry Businesses 

This programme is aimed at Coventry-based business that have been trading for less than 1 year. Please note:

    This programme is not currently taking on new enquiries until April 2025
Connect with us:



Watch the short videos below to discover some of the businesses we have supported recently

Coventry Start-Up Business Showcase**

Warwickshire Start-Up Business Showcase** 

*This project is part funded by the UK Government as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Funding (via Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Rugby Borough Council, North Warwickshire Borough Council and Warwick District Council).  Funding is also provided by Warwickshire County Council and Stratford District Council. As well as funding by Coventry City Council.  

** VideoMusic 'Want To Get' by Motif courtesy of I'm Not A Machine





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If you have a question you would like to ask, please use one of the following contact methods below:

Phone 024 7665 4321
Fax 024 7645 0242

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce

Chamber House, Innovation Village

Cheetah Road

Coventry, CV1 2TL


Click here to view a map of our location for directions.

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